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aenean nonummy hendrerit mauris. Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi.
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18 Apr, 2005
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent vestibulum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy hendrerit mauris. Pha- sellus porta.

15 Apr, 2005
nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla dui. Fusce feugiat malesuada odio. Morbi nunc odio, gravida at, cursus nec, luctus a, lorem. Maecenas tristique orci ac sem.

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Permit Requirements

Article 13 of the Jefferson County Subdivision and Construction Ordinance requires that individuals conducting land
disturbing activities in unincorporated areas of the County to apply for a land disturbing activity permit. No land disturbing activity shall be commenced prior to acceptance of the construction plan. Please refer to the following information prior to applying for a permit. For more detailed information, please refer to the Article 13.

Single Family Home Sites

The requirements for single family home sites(Residence or Mobile Home) are:

  • Septic tank approval from Jefferson County Department of Health, or Sewer approval from Jefferson County Department of Environmental Services
  • Zoning Approval from Jefferson County Department of Land Development
  • Plot plan showing Erosion & Sedimentation control devices on the construction site
  • Complete land Disturbance Activity permit application
  • $100.00 non refundable Application Fee(Payable to Inspection Services)
  • Surety of $3,000 or a valid Certification

 Commercial Sites

Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC) shall consist of the following:
(Full check list)

  • Five(5) complete sets of plans, including the Plans Cover Sheet, shall be submitted to the Land Development Department. The ESC Plan(s) shall be a part of the construction plan and shall include the ESC Notes and the Installation/Maintenance schedule for all ESC Measures to be used on the construction site. The ESC plans must include the name, phone number, and email address (if applicable) of the Qualified Credentialed Professional (“QCP”) who prepared the plan.
  • Plan review processwill take up to fourteen (14) working days, from the time the plans are submitted to Land Development Department. Upon the acceptance of the plan, the owner or an authorized agent can apply for the permit. Plans that are not accepted will be returned to the QCP for revisions.
  • ESC measures must be installed prior to any land disturbing activities taking place. The Inspection Services Department must be notified (phone number: 325-5638) after ESC measures have been installed.
  • The owner of the property to be disturbed, or an authorized agent, must apply for the permit in person.
  • $400.00 non refundable Application Fee (Payable to Inspection Services)
  • Surety Bond posted for site in the amount of $3000/acre or fraction of an acre. (acreage to be determined by QCP). Surety will be increased to $6000.00 per acre where clearing or earthwork is permitted in areas designated as floodways, floodplains or areas susceptible to landslides. View Surety Bond form.